Aluminium Line Vacs

Compact, low-cost device for conveying material with no moving parts.


Simply by connecting material conveying hose to each side with hose clips and a compressed air supply the line-vac creates a powerful inline conveyor that can be used for conveying plastic granules. Particularly useful when trying to create a quick a low cost method for transporting regrind into a hopper or storage bin.


A small amount of compressed air is injected through the nozzles to create a vacuum on one end and high output flows on the other, with an instantaneous response. The material flow rate can easily be controlled with a pressure regulator. No moving parts of electricity assures maintenance free operation. Available in a number of sizes to suit your standard pipework.


Material : Aluminium (Stainless Steel also available)

Operating Temperature : 135°C (max)

All measurements based on 5.5 bar
